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Posted by Cumie - - 2 comments

as far as time moving, now squid can use by windows. btw, it's so exist at linux and almost every internet cafe ( warnet ) in ur city used it.  So it mean same things, squid at windows with squid at linux?? no it'snt. squid at windows not maximal, better at linux coz squid really created for linux, it just reimplementation service. I think u know all about it. If u don't know about squid try to go here. If u still don't understand about it, dont ask me just ask google ( coz u never know how's the truth without doing the worth's ways ) muahahaha.. it's like a poetry LMAO.

so let we try download it at here.
u got it? (not yet??  ur network too slow ) coz, I was got it, it a zip file. let's extract it now..
owh we got a folder name squid, let copy it to drive C, now it's place is C:\Squid.
we going to folder etc ( C:\Squid\etc\ ) Rename file squid.conf.default and mime.conf.default to be squid.conf and mime.conf. ( just erase the name .default )

now let edit file squid.conf as like as how u'll configure it ( edit it as well as ur ntwork configuration ), delete all content and replace with this one:
#file squid.conf

http_port 3128

icp_port 0

visible_hostname commcell.vnet

acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?

no_cache deny QUERY

cache_mem 8 MB

cache_dir ufs c:/squid/var/cache 4500 16 256

redirect_rewrites_host_header off

acl localnet src

acl localhost src

acl Safe_ports port 80 443 210 119 70 21 1025-65535


cache_mgr me@localhost

cache_access_log c:/squid/var/logs/access.log

cache_store_log c:/squid/var/logs/store.log

cache_log c:/squid/var/logs/cache.log

log_icp_queries off

cachemgr_passwd rahasia

acl manager proto cache_object

http_access allow manager

acl all src

http_access allow localnet

http_access allow localhost

http_access deny all

okay, u done and saved it?
let's go open commant prompt ( dos mode )
go to directory c:\squid\sbin than type squid -z
if u done, it will appear : 
2007/02/28 13:54:04| Creating Swap Directories
And then we going to install squid as default service, still at command prompt, type squid -i
done? I think i'll show u my command prompt;
well done, u have squid at ur windows now.
now let's we start the squid, find it at control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services 
then click start

nb: if u have trouble with english nanti tak bikin bahas indonesianya

2 Responses so far.

  1. inicuma says:

    seep bro aku juga dulu pake squid utk proxinya, enak, btw lebih bagus lagi kalu artikel ini pake bahasa indonesia, biar semuanya bisa mraktekin, muali dari newbie sampe yang expert

  2. Cumie says:

    iya jg sih soalnya kunci inggrisnya ancur, pake tank aja ato kunci L aja dah nanti ( wkwkwk gk nyambung )

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